indrum-2018-editorial - Second conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics


 Viviane Durand-Guerrier1, Reinhard Hochmuth2, Simon Goodchild3, Ninni Marie Hogstad3

1University of Montpellier,
2University of Hannover,
3University of Agder,

The INDRUM 2018 conference was held in Kristiansand, 5-8 April 2018. The INDRUM conferences fall within the activities of INDRUM (International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics), which has been initiated by an international team of researchers in didactics of mathematics at university level. This network aims to contribute to the development of research in didactics of mathematics at all levels of tertiary education, with particular focus on support for young researchers in the field and for dialogue with mathematicians.

The idea for the network and biennial conferences was first discussed in Paris (France), November 2014 and then Oberwolfach (Germany), December 2014. Following these discussions, a scientific committee with 19 scholars from 12 countries was established. The decision for organising the first conference in Montpellier (France), 31 March - 2 April 2016, with Elena Nardi and Carl Winslow as chair and co-chair was taken during CERME 9 in Prague, in February 2015.

Following the success of INDRUM 2016, the decision for organising the second INDRUM conference in Kristiansand in April 2018 with Simon Goodchild as Chair of the local committee, was taken during INDRUM 2016 in Montpellier. The International Scientific Committee held a meeting in Dublin during CERME 10, and nominated the INDRUM 2018 International Programme Committee: Viviane Durand-Guerrier (Montpellier, France) Chair; Reinhard Hochmuth (Hannover, Germany) Co-chair;Marianna Bosch (Barcelona, Spain); Simon Goodchild (Kristiansand, Norway); Thomas Hausberger (Montpellier, France); Ninni Marie Hogstad (Kristiansand, Norway); Elena Nardi (Norwich, United Kingdom); Chris Rasmussen (San Diego, United States); Carl Winsløw (Copenhagen, Denmark). The Local Organising Committee was composed of Simon Goodchild (Kristiansand, Norway) Chair; Lillian Egelandsaa (Kristiansand, Norway); Ninni Marie Hogstad (Kristiansand, Norway); Thomas Hausberger (Montpellier, France); Elisabeth Rasmussen (Kristiansand, Norway). As for INDRUM 2016, INDRUM 2018 was an ERME Topic Conference.

A total of 53 papers and 14 posters was accepted for presentation. The final number of papers and posters presented at the conference and included in these proceedings (51 full papers and 14 posters, with the latter represented in the Proceedings as two-page short papers) varied slightly as a small number of delegates withdrew submissions or cancelled attendance for personal reasons. Discussion of the accepted papers and posters was organised in six thematic working groups (TWG1-TWG6), based on a classification of contents. Two members of the INDRUM Scientific Committee were invited to lead each of the five TWGs:

The scientific programme comprised: A plenary talk by Duncan Lawson (United Kingdom): Lessons for mathematics higher education from 25 years of mathematics support; a presentation of posters and of thematic working groups; a plenary panel chaired by Carl Winsløw: Preparation and training of university mathematics teachers: Panelists: Rolf Biehler (Germany), Barbara Jaworski (United Kingdom), Frode Rønning (Norway), Megan Wawro (United States). The accepted papers were presented in two parallel sessions and discussed in four thematic working group (TWG) sessions. A report was prepared and presented in plenary on April 8th.

The conference was attended by a total of about 120 registered participants. In the light of the volume and quality of submissions, and substance of exchanges during the sessions, we are happy to conclude that the second INDRUM conference turned out as a further eminent success.

Papers appear in these Proceedings in a version chosen by the authors following the (optional) possibility to upload a final version of their paper soon after the conference.

Very special thanks are due to the organising committee, chaired by Simon Goodchild and co-chaired by Ninni Marie Hogstad, for their tireless work over many months towards this event. Ninni Marie was responsible for the website, and received continuous support from Thomas Hausberger. Administrative support was offered by Lillian Egelandsaa and Elisabeth Rasmussen. These colleagues worked unstintingly before, during and after the conference to ensure that every participant had a smooth, productive and enjoyable INDRUM experience. They have set the bar high for the conferences to follow and we are indebted to them all.

The organizers are grateful to MatRIC, Centre for Research, Innovation and Coordination of Mathematics Teaching for financial support covering the work of the local organizing committee and some other conference arrangements, also the University of Agder for technical and domestic services and conference accommodation.

INDRUM follow-up

Strengthening the Network through publications is an important goal of the INDRUM network. Apart the INDRUM conferences proceedings, two publications were planed after INDRUM 2016.

First, an International Journal for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics (IJRUME) Special Issue has been guest-edited by Elena Nardi and Carl Winsløw, with support from IJRUME Editor Chris Rasmussen and reviewers including members of the INDRUM2016 Scientific Committee, was published in time for the 2018 conference and participants were able to download a copy of the issue without charge.

Second, a book reporting from INDRUM 2016 and INDRUM 2018 will be published in the Routledge ERME Series. It will be based on the scientific work developed in the TWGs during both conferences. A TWGs session of INDRUM 2018 was devoted to provide input to the book, in addition to input provided during INDRUM2016. Carl Winsløw, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Elena Nardi and Reinhard Hochmuth will be the editors.

Third, during INDRUM 2018, 13 colleagues from 10 countries have accepted an invitation to be members of the INDRUM International Scientific Committee, that now comprises 31 colleagues from 15 countries.

Finally, we are very happy to be able to announce that the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte (Tunisia) will host INDRUM 2020; 27-29 March 2020, with Faïza Chellougui as chair of the Local Organising Committee and Rahim Kouki as co-chair. The conference will be chaired by Thomas Hausberger and Marianna Bosch.

We now invite you to carry on reading this volume and we hope that the promise of its contents will encourage you to join, or continue to be part of, the ambitious, bold enterprise that is INDRUM!