index - International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition

The International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR) brings together leading researchers and engineers from the fields of on-line and off-line handwriting recognition. This is an international forum for identifying, encouraging and exchanging new ideas on different topics of handwriting recognition as well as for promoting novel applications in an attempt to extend the frontiers of this fascinating field of research.

Workshop Chairs
Guy Lorette (France)
H. Bunke (Switzerland)
L. Schomaker (The Netherlands)

Organizing Chairs
E. Anquetil (France)
T. Artières (France)
L. Heutte (France)
T. Paquet (France)

Program Chairs
C. Viard-Gaudin (France)
M. Shridhar (USA)
G. Rigoll (Germany)
J.H. Kim (Korea)

Program Committee
T. Artières (France)
M. Cheriet (Canada)
Y.W. Choi (Korea)
X. Ding (China)
H. Dolfing (UK)
A. Downton (UK)
M. El Yacoubi (USA)
M. Fairhurst (UK)
G. Fink (Germany)
H. Fujisawa (Japan)
P. Gader (USA)
M. Gilloux (France)
V. Govindaraju (USA)
G. Houle (USA)
S. Impedovo (Italy)
S. Jaeger (USA)
L.W. Jin (China)
S.H. Kim (Korea)
F. Kimura (Japan)
A. Koerich (Brazil)
P.M. Lallican (France)
C.L. Liu (Japan)
S. Lucas (UK)
S. Madhvanath (India)
U. Miletzki (Germany)
Y.L. Murphey (USA)
M. Nakagawa (Japan)
I.S. Oh (Korea)
U. Pal (India)
M. Perrone (USA)
G. Pirlo (Italy)
L. Prévost (France)
R. Sabourin (Canada)
N. Sherkat (UK)
S. Srihari (USA)
C.Y. Suen (Canada)
N. Vincent (France)
L. Vuurpijl (The Netherlands)
T. Wakahara (Japan)

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Fundamental issues in handwriting recognition
Character and symbol recognition
Cursive script recognition
Handwritten drawing recognition
Writing and handwriting modeling
Drawing and graphic gestures modeling
Linguistic processing
Statistical and structural approaches
Feature extraction / feature selection
Multiple classifier systems

Handwritten document analysis
Layout analysis

Preprocessing and segmentation
Color and preprocessing
Information extraction
Information retrieval
Historical document processing
Digital archives
Content based handwritten
document categorization

Pen-based applications
On-line documents
Mobile devices
Medical applications
User interfaces, multimodal interfaces

Image-based applications
Postal address interpretation
Automatic bank-check reading
Automatic form reading
Document type characterization

Standardization issues
Electronic ink
Metadata for handwritten content description
Datasets / performance evaluation

Biometric and Forensic applications
Signature verification
Writer identification
Writer verification

List of Reviewers

Agrawal, Mudit (USA)
Artières, Thierry (France)
Cheriet, Mohamed (Canada)
Choi, Young Woo (Korea)
Ding, Xiaoqing (China)
Dolfing, Hans (UK)
El Yacoubi, Mounim (USA)
Fairhurst, Michael (UK)
Fink, Gernot (Germany)
Fujisawa, Hiromichi (Japan)
Gader, Paul (USA)
Gilloux, Michel (France)
Govindaraju, Venu (USA)
Heutte, Laurent (France)
Houle, Gilles (USA)
Impedovo, Sebastiano (Italy)
Jaeger, Stefan (USA)
Jin, LianWen (China)
Kim, Jin Hyung (Korea)
Kim, Soo Hyung (Korea)
Kimura, Fumitaka (Japan)
Kitadai, Akihito (Japan)
Koerich, Alessandro (Brazil)
Lallican, Pierre-Michel (France)
Li, Yi (USA)
Liu, Cheng-Lin (China)
Lucas, Simon (UK)
Madhvanath, Sriganesh (India)
Murphey, Yi Lu (USA)
Nakagawa, Masaki (Japan)
Negi, Atul (India)
Oh, Il-Seok (Korea)
Ohyama, Wataru (Japan)

Pal, Umapada (India)
Pirlo, Giuseppe (Italy)
Ploëtz, Thomas (Germany)
Prévost, Lionel (France)
Rigoll, Gerhard (Germany)
Sabourin, Robert (Canada)
Sherkat, Nasser (UK)
Shridhar, Malayappan (USA)
Srihari, Sargur (USA)
Suen, Ching Y. (Canada)
Tokuno, Junko (Japan)
Viard-Gaudin, Christian (France)
Vincent, Nicole (France)
Vuurpijl, Louis (Netherlands)
Wakabayashi, Tetsushi (Japan)
Wakahara, Toru (Japan)
Zhu, Guangyu (USA)