index - Cancer du rein : bases moléculaires de la tumorogenèse Accéder directement au contenu

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Chromosomal imbalances Apoptosis Controlled release Amplification Carcinoma Duplication de gènes Breast and ovarian cancer Drug delivery Calcineurin Diagnostic pré-implantatoire Diacylglycerol Kinase AURORA-C Fish Angiotensine-2 Colonisation Cell division Cyprinidae Schizosaccharomyces pombe Prognosis Clinical aggressiveness Aurora-A kinase Aurora Kinases Immunoprecipitation Adenocarcinoma Cell Cycle Allogreffe de cellules hématopoïétiques DDX1 Aurora A Cell cycle Aromatase AT1R Chronic Apkc Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma Antagonistes des récepteurs à l'angiotensine-2 Contractile actomyosin ring Cancer du sein et de l’ovaire Cytokinesis Cumulus cell CPEB Allogeneic stem cell transplant Child Ciliogenesis 2p243 duplication Bacterialresistance transfer factor Cancer CRISPR-cas9 knockout Anti-VEGF Cytogénétique CULTURE DE CELLULE CYTOKINESIS Biodegradable block copolymers Caryotype Xenopus ADAMTS13 Karyotype Autophagy AMIS Binding Humans Actomyosin ring Danio rerio Biomarker Cell polarity AURORA KINASES Cytoskeleton Carcinogenesis Biomarkers Deposition Considérations éthiques Cell Transformation CLASSIFICATION Confocal fluorescence microscopy Carcinome rénal Aurora-A Angiogenesis Clear cell renal cell carcinoma Cellule épithéliale Aurora Kinase C Cytogenetics Cell culture Danio devario Breastfeeding CARPAL-TUNNEL-SYNDROME Antagonists of angiotensin-II receptors Drug side effects Biocompatible nanoparticles Acute Kidney Injury CRISPR/Cas9 Degradation Oocyte maturation Amphibian Complex ADAM12 Apico-basal polarity Allaitement maternel BRCA Cell cycle and cell division Défaillance d’organes Cell Line