- Apprentissage automatique avec intégration des connaissances en ingénierie de surface : théorie et algorithmes
- Artificial Evolution and Computational Biology
- Computational Algorithms for Protein Structures and Interactions
- Concurrency, Mobility and Transactions
- Creating and exploiting explicit links between multimedia fragments
- Distribution, Recherche d'Information et Mobilité
- Health data- and model- driven Knowledge Acquisition
- Intuitive user-interaction for document
- Knowledge representation, reasonning
- Knowledge representation, reasonning
- Large Scale Collaborative Data Mining
- Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique
- Machine Learning in Information Networks
- Observation de l’environnement par imagerie complexe
- Scool
- Semantic Analysis of Natural Language
- Sensor-based and interactive robotics
- Speech Modeling for Facilitating Oral-Based Communication
- TAckling the Underspecified
- éQuipe d'AppRentissage de MArseille